Donnerstag, 2. April 2009

2. Personal textlog entry by Aura

Two weeks... too much time. I should not stay so long in one place. At least everything went
according to plan. I'm still freaked out when I look into the mirror. Not that my new face is ugly –
quite the opposite to be true, but it does not look like me any more (well I guess that's the point of
the whole idea). Little munchkin is alright as well. He was a little small at birth but he is as fit as a
fiddle. I haven't decided on a name, yet. It is quite hard to give him an appropriate name. How could
I know what name would be appropriate – how can I now how he turns out to be. At the moment
“smelly screamer” would fit.... :)
The last weeks were quite boring. At least in this hideout. Fortunately, I receive some HoloVid
My “death” created quite a stir on good ol' earth. Yesterday was my funeral. Oh how I would have
liked to be there. Okay – not in the coffin, but as a spectator. To see who really cared....
Mr. Eugene said that we will be ready for transport in a week. The shuttle is already organized. It
will bring us to a freighter at Lunar IX. And from there: To the fringe.
I'm a little frightened. The fringe is no place to raise a child. But so is HIS palace. (Oh how I look
forward to finally deprive him of his power.)
The fringe of civilization. The fringe of the known (and colonized) universe. A hard life for settlers.
Most of them expelled from the other planets. Outlaws, Outsiders, different thinking people,
criminals, rebells. They colonize it and when its prepared the civilization moves in. With them
police, army, order. The former outlaws may become governors, well respected citizens or such...
The next generation of outlaws will be driven further into the unchartered realm. This way the
human empire expands generation by generation. Now I will be a part of it. At least for a while...

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