Donnerstag, 2. April 2009

3. The last night

It is the last night before their flight to Lunar IX. Aura sits in the old fashioned rocking chair - the
baby (Munchkin as she lovingly calls him) sleeps peacefully. It is quiet around her. She looks at the
room she spent the most time of the last weeks in. Nothing special, archaic except for the small
terminal on a plastic table. It is Aura's only connection to the world outside of this hideout. Eugene
doesn't like her to browse web – paranoid relict. Nobody suspects her to be here and she doesn't
give anything away on the web. Just checking the latest news, watching shows – killing time.
Eugene and Kruger did not allow her to workout so soon after delivery– so whats left to do?
It's a large building Aura hides in, mostly offices, practices, laboratories. In the daytime she has to
stay in this small storeroom of “Eugene and Kruger” - but even after hours she is not allowed to
leave the practice to wander around. No one to talk to except for both doctors.
Aura looks at her baby, sighes: “Okay munchi, don't be offended, but I need to check the web a last
She puts him aside and goes to the terminal -switching it on. WorldNewsNet is her first destination
Frowning she types in another address – same result. Odd...
She looks at the little green bar on the right side of the terminal. The terminal is plugged in but the
bar shows that it runs on batteries.
A shiver runs down her spine and suddenly the comforting silence does not feel that comforting at
all anymore.
No web is odd enough so close to earth nowadays, but no web and no electricity set Aura's antennae
Aura grabs the baby -careful to avoid waking him up – and puts him in the “babybackpack”.
After buckling him on her back she takes the sports bag -luckily she already packed for tomorrow -
and heads to the door.
'No, wait – better get the gun', she grabs under her pillow and takes the Sauer 9X. Its a small
weapon – not her favorite kind, too ladylike, semiautomati- , regardless of that it is capable of
punching impressive holes in human bodies.
It is dark in the practice, only some LEDs glow in the dark - powered by secondary batteries.
Looking out of a window she sees the skyline of Lunarcity. It glows. Rest of the town has juice.
She could be wrong – still no sign of anything or anybody dangerous, but there is no such thing as
Aura leaves the practice and heads down the long corridor. Everything is silent – not even the
constant humming of computers, terminals or an aircondition. The kind of silence you don't here
often today.
Light from the city falls in through some office doors – enough light to see where to go, but also
enough shadow to play tricks on ones mind.
Was there a movement? No, just imagination...
She arrives at the stairway. Just before she reaches for the door handle she hears a sound from the
other side. Shuffling and metals slightly hitting against each other. She has to act fast.
The door handle gets pushed down, the door opens, three shadowy figures enter the corridor,
securing it with their submachine guns. She sees them from the birds perspective, crouching in the
low space between the ceiling slaps and the concrete ceiling.
While holding her breath she sees them slowly advance under her.
'Who are those guys? Special Unit? Who sent them? What are they searching for? Me? Does not
matter – if they get my everything is in jeopardy...lets just hope that...'
Suddenly a cry breaks the silence - the baby woke up.
'No time to think, time to act', Aura thinks as she sees the three silhouettes turn towards her. A well
placed shot cracks the skull of number one. She jumps from the ceiling, making sure that her baby
won't be harmed and lands smoothly on her feet. A burst of fire hits the ceiling where she was
crawling a second before. She doesn't give the remaining two time to catch their breath and runs
towards them, disables number two with a bullet in the shoulder and the knee and buries her heel in
the face of number three.
She takes one of the SMGs and a combatknife, with which she makes sure that none of them
survives to identify her.
'Where they are will be more and they will be alerted by the shooting. Time to run!', she thinks.
'There is only one way: The roof, the carefully concealed spaceshuttle on it. Its not state of the art,
but it has been enhanced to slip under the radar...'
staryou - 2. Apr, 19:45

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