Firefly - Serenity
Heute haben wir 3 weitere Folgen "Firefly" gesehen. Zwischendurch auch mal auf Deutsch geschaltet, und es war GRAUSAM. Die Serie ist nicht nur mit unpassenden Synchronsprechern besetzt (Reynolds hat die Stimme von Johnny Depp), sondern auch nicht lippensynchron übersetzt. Nun fehlen uns nur noch die letzte Folge der Serie und der Film. Es wird großartig.
Dialog des Tages:
Jayne: Don't much see the benefit in gettin' involved in stranger's troubles without a up-front price negotiated.
Shepherd Book: These people need assistance. The benefit wouldn't necessarily be for you.
Jayne: That's what I'm sayin'.
Zoë: No one's gonna force you to go, Jayne. As has been stated, this job is strickly speculative.
Jayne: Good. Don't know these folks, don't much care to.
Mal: They're whores.
Jayne: I'm in.
Mal: This is my first mate, Zoë. I'll introduce you to the rest later. They're good folk.
Jayne: Can I start gettin' sexed already?
Mal: Well, that one's kinda horrific.
Jayne: [over radio] Well, now, girl, that is just plain dirty.
Mal: [into radio] Jayne, you are aware your radio's transmittin'? 'Cause I don't feel particularly girlish or dirty at the moment.
Dialog des Tages:
Jayne: Don't much see the benefit in gettin' involved in stranger's troubles without a up-front price negotiated.
Shepherd Book: These people need assistance. The benefit wouldn't necessarily be for you.
Jayne: That's what I'm sayin'.
Zoë: No one's gonna force you to go, Jayne. As has been stated, this job is strickly speculative.
Jayne: Good. Don't know these folks, don't much care to.
Mal: They're whores.
Jayne: I'm in.
Mal: This is my first mate, Zoë. I'll introduce you to the rest later. They're good folk.
Jayne: Can I start gettin' sexed already?
Mal: Well, that one's kinda horrific.
Jayne: [over radio] Well, now, girl, that is just plain dirty.
Mal: [into radio] Jayne, you are aware your radio's transmittin'? 'Cause I don't feel particularly girlish or dirty at the moment.
Kazum - 20. Jan, 03:16